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’Translatar’ and ’transferir’
The transmission of texts and knowledge (1200-1500)

First International Colloquium of the Group Narpan «Culture and literature in the late middle ages»

Barcelona, 22th-23th November 2007

Translatar and transferir are two closely related terms within the set that referred in Catalan to various medieval practices associated with both textual and cultural translatio. From a modern viewpoint, such practices would encompass the transmission of both literary and scientific learning, ranging from the production of manuscript copies to linguistic translation, and also including other procedures of cultural dissemination.

The Grup Narpan («Cultura i literatura a la baixa edad mitjana») is a research team nourished by three universities (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat de Girona). It focuses on studying and editing Catalan works from 1200 to 1500, as well as making them available to a large readership. This first Narpan Colloquium, as suggested by its title, deals with some of the many facets of the transmission of learning, and is accordingly divided into five sessions:

- The manuscript workshop

- Translating and glossing

- Learning in the vernacular

- The transmission of poetry

- The leading role of the Court

Scientific External Committee
Juan Manuel Cacho Blecua (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Pedro M. Cátedra (Universidad de Salamanca)
Gérard Gouiran (Université de Montpellier)
Genéviève Hasenohr (École Pratique des Hautes Études, París)
Michael R. McVaugh (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
María de las Nieves Muñiz (Universitat de Barcelona).

Organizing Comittee
Lola Badia (Universitat de Barcelona)
Lluís Cabré (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Miriam Cabré (Universitat de Girona)
Lluís Cifuentes (Universitat de Barcelona)
Sadurní Martí (Universitat de Girona)
Josep Pujol (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

Colloquium site
Conference room of the Residencia de Investigadores CSIC-Generalitat de Catalunya, Carrer Hospital 64 - 08001 Barcelona - http://www.residencia-investigadors.es/

General Information
Rosa M. Castellanas and Sílvia Vicente (fil-catal@ub.edu)
Tel.: 0034 934035612
Fax: 0034 934035698
Departament de Filologia Catalana - Facultat de Filologia - Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585 - 08007 Barcelona
Updated information: http://www.narpan.net/

Liste de brèves

Docta interpretatio in latinum sermonem

Docta interpretatio in latinum sermonem "Traductions savantes vers le latin" : colloque organisé à l’ ENSSIB les 22 et 23 novembre 2013

Parution récente

Vient de paraître :
Traduire de vernaculaire en latin au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance. Méthodes et finalités. Études réunies par Françoise Fery-Hue, Paris, École des Chartes, 2013, 342 pages (Études et rencontres de l’École des chartes, 42). ISBN 978-2-35723-035-4 - Prix France : 32€

The Medieval Translator 2013

Consacré à la traduction au sens le plus large, le récent colloque du Medieval Translator à Louvain du 8 au 12 juillet 2013 :
The Medieval Translator 2013 / The Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages
"Translation and Authority - Authorities in Translation"
fournit de nouvelles contributions sur les traductions de vernaculaire en latin et sur l’apprentissage des langues vernaculaires à l’aide du latin

Une publication récente

Nikolaus Thurn, Neulatein und Volkssprachen. Beispiele für die Rezeption neusprachlicher Literatur durch die lateinische Dichtung Europas im 15.-16. Jh., München, Wilhelm Fink, 510 p. (Humanistische Bibliothek, Texte und Abhandlungen, 61).