The Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA) were established to help medievalist students and researchers, for whom drawing up bibliographies has become more and more difficult with the explosion of available print and electronic resources.
To simplify access to precise, reliable and up-to-date bibliography, ARLIMA was launched 1 September 2005 and made freely available to the public. Its intention is to provide as complete as possible bibliographical coverage on medieval texts and authors, for the most part French and Latin, but including where possible other Western European languages.
The task of populating ARLIMA follows no strict protocol but rather relies on chance findings by researchers. As a result, the resources available do not claim to be either exhaustible nor infallible, although contributors do strive to achieve both !
ARLIMA is not a listing of web-sites, but simply a catalogue of printed works (with few exceptions).
Laurent Brun, Assistant professor of French at the University of Ottawa (Canada), directs, edits and posts ARLIMA’s strategy and content.
You can find ARLIMA at this address :
Docta interpretatio in latinum sermonem "Traductions savantes vers le latin" : colloque organisé à l’ ENSSIB les 22 et 23 novembre 2013
Vient de paraître :
Traduire de vernaculaire en latin au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance. Méthodes et finalités. Études réunies par Françoise Fery-Hue, Paris, École des Chartes, 2013, 342 pages (Études et rencontres de l’École des chartes, 42). ISBN 978-2-35723-035-4 - Prix France : 32€
Consacré à la traduction au sens le plus large, le récent colloque du Medieval Translator à Louvain du 8 au 12 juillet 2013 :
The Medieval Translator 2013 / The Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages
"Translation and Authority - Authorities in Translation"
fournit de nouvelles contributions sur les traductions de vernaculaire en latin et sur l’apprentissage des langues vernaculaires à l’aide du latin
Nikolaus Thurn, Neulatein und Volkssprachen. Beispiele für die Rezeption neusprachlicher Literatur durch die lateinische Dichtung Europas im 15.-16. Jh., München, Wilhelm Fink, 510 p. (Humanistische Bibliothek, Texte und Abhandlungen, 61).